Where did this year ago? It's hard to believe we are celebrating an end to a crazy year, but we are so looking forward to what 2015 will bring. Natalie has been through so much this year, and yet she is one of the happiest little girls I've ever known. What a joy she is to our family.

One of my favorite verses in the bible is "I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are
Your works, And my soul knows it very well. (
Psalm 139:14). Thank you God for giving us such a joy. You know every detail, and know the plans for our lives. As I reflect on last year I am reminded of the depths of Gods mercy, and faithfulness. This year please continue to pray that God keeps Natalie strong and healthy. Also, pray that Michael and I continue to draw near to God for all of our needs.
I realize it has been awhile since I updated on here. Medically speaking, Natalie is doing fantastic. Her heart is strong, and she has already dealt with a few colds. She is such a trooper, and I know she amazes her doctors. Her vision and hearing is still monitored closely. She has her BAHA, which I think has improved her hearing significantly. She doesn't always want to wear it, but I am sure she is able to hear more sounds with it. Her latest word is "kitty", and is learning new signs weekly. We are in the process of ordering a gait trainer (walker) for her. It is unlikely she will need one for a long time, however she is definitely enjoys the freedom of mobility. Natalie still needs one surgery to repair her choanal atresia. The plan was to have surgery in the spring, but I am hoping to push the surgery to late summer or early fall. She is thriving right now, so the last thing she needs is another surgery.
Did I mention how much she loves girly clothes, shoes and accessories. She loves to brush my hair, and already has a thing for shoes!! She must take after her mother. She loves chocolate and ice cream. She eats three meals a day, and two snacks. Although she still gets a lot of her nutrients through her G-tube I am positive Natalie will be eating orally 100% before she is two.
I hope this letter gave you some insight into Natalie's amazing progress and personality! Please continue to pray, and thank you for thinking of our family.
The Pierce Family
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